Jasper Startup Art

The Harwich Arts & Heritage Centre is proud to host a Solo Exhibition by talented local artist Jasper Startup.

Jasper Startup: Sculpture, Collage and works on paper will take place between Friday March 4th to Thursday 31st 2022. Open weekdays from 10am to 4pm and Saturdays 5th and 19th 10am-3pm. Free Entry.

There will be an opportunity to meet the artist and discuss his works on the 19th. No need to book, just turn up.

“I am searching for an identity which engages me. Through this I want to find a new entity
that has a presence in the world. I use whatever material is to hand to make the work. Often this is
used or found material as I like the existing story it holds, the marks of chance in life. To this I will
bring my skills and imagination, memory and intuition even my choice of language. This process
is a mystery.

Essentially I am concerned with classical themes in Art such as form, colour, space, surface and
density. And it seems that I am returned to landscape and place as part of the human condition in
the world”

Jasper Startup 2022

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Categories: HAHC News, News